Green Award Imex I Norway

In the norwegian language we have a word for voluntary work “dugnad” which is still used in todays society. In former times, when Norway was poor, it was the only way to get local projects done. Everybody pitched in their time and knowledge for benefit of the whole. A wonderful tradition in one of the richest countries in the world. We also have many small villages often far away from each other and “identity” has been a key word in the Norwegian society, being proud where you came from.

Green Award IMEX Norway - Travel with us - Inspiring Sustainability
IMEX Green Award

Commitment to community

We had 4 groups of 40 people each who helped a local community to repair nature paths getting help from local school children between the age of 13-14-years. Our intention was to communicate to them: “Take care of nature and be proud where you come from”. With that simple approach we won the IMEX Green Award.

“You get educated by travelling”

– Solange Knowles



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